Sunday, April 3, 2016

Why I'm Not Waiting to Turn into Butterfly

Transformation. A transition from what was minimally spectacular into something inexplicably perfect and divine. I don't agree with this metaphor:  A lowly caterpillar comfortably nestled in its chrysalis, counting down the impending moment that it will arise from its shelter, shed its former self, spread its new astonishingly beautiful wings and go forth into the world-- henceforth and forevermore a Butterfly.

Maybe I'm being over analytical or maybe unperceptive of the symbolic importance of a caterpillar to butterfly transition. But I've waited way to long for my Butterfly Moment. I understand the representative imagery of a caterpillar going through struggles (or munching on leafs) and ending up in a greater position in life ( or turning into a butterfly) what I don't agree this is the spontaneous transformation and the assumption that inevitably we will all reach our greatest potential.

I've always known that I was destined for a greater purpose and I thought if I follow that natural cycle of life (getting an education, working hard, being kind... blah, blah, blah...) that eventually I would have my own pair of vibrate wings. But here I am 20-something wondering when I'm going to take flight. And I've come to the conclusion that whether I get my wings or not I busting out of this chrysalis and fluttering forward. 

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